Other School Operating Plan & Material - Documents & Links
Crow-Applegate-Lorane SD Communicable Disease Management Plan
ODE/OHA Communicable Disease Guidance for Schools
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention - Up to date vaccine information
Daily Symptom Screener - to determine if a student, staff member, volunteer or visitor should attend school that day for a variety of illnesses and conditions
Detector diario de síntomas - para determinar si un estudiante o miembro del personal debe asistir a la escuela ese día por una variedad de enfermedades y condiciones
AT SCHOOL / On-site COVID testing consent forms - For students to be tested at school sites in the event that they feel ill or may have been exposed to someone that has shown symptoms of a communicable disease.
BiNax NOW - Testing Consent Form - Ages 15-18
BiNaxNOW Testing Consent Form - General Consent & Ages 5-14
Formulario de consentimiento de BiNax Now Testing - Edades 15-18 en adelante
Formulario de consentimiento de prueba BiNaxNOW - Consentimiento general y edades 5-14
Lane County Public Health - Vaccine Clinic Information
Formulario de consentimiento de LCPH
COVID-19 - Screening training videos from Lane County Public Health
COVID-19 - videos de capacitación sobre detección de la salud pública del condado de Lane
School Operation Plans
Health & Safety Requirements - ODE & OHA
Please see the chart below, When to Stay Home, if you have questions about your current health status before coming to campus. This is a simple, symptom-based exclusion chart that will help to ensure the health and safety of students, staff, volunteers and visitors to the Siuslaw schools.
General Illness & Symptoms - When to Stay Home - A simple chart for all illnesses and communicable diseases. This follows the standard health and wellness policies of the school district that have been in place for years. Please see Communicable Disease section below, and work to keep everyone as healthy as possible this upcoming winter.
School-Level Communicable Disease Management Plan - Oregon Department of Education requirement for school operations for the 2023-2024 school year.
Symptom-Based Exclusion Guidelines: Students and staff must be excluded from the school setting if they are in the communicable stages of a school-restrictable disease. Symptoms which commonly indicate a communicable disease are listed below.
After being ill, students and staff may return to school when:
FEVER: fever-free for 24 hours
MAY RETURN AFTER fever-free for 24 hours without taking fever- reducing medicine.
DIARRHEA OR VOMITING: symptom-free for 48 hours OR cleared by healthcare provider
HEADACHE WITH STIFF NECK AND FEVER: fever-free for 24 hours AND symptoms resolve
MAY RETURN AFTER fever-free for 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medicine AND symptoms resolve.
This combination of symptoms may indicate a serious condition. Advise student’s guardian to seek medical attention.
SKIN RASH OR SORES: rash is gone OR until sores are dry or can be completely covered OR cleared by healthcare provider
EYE REDNESS WITH COLORED DRAINAGE: symptoms resolve OR cleared by healthcare provider
JAUNDICE: cleared by healthcare provider.
*DIFFICULTY BREATHING OR SHORTNESS OF BREATH not explained by situation such as exercise: feeling unable to catch their breath, gasping for air, breathing too fast or too shallowly, breathing with extra effort such as using muscles of the stomach, chest, or neck.
MAY RETURN AFTER symptoms improving for 24 hours.
This symptom is likely to require immediate medical attention.
WHEN ILL WITH 2 OR MORE PRIMARY COVID-19 SYMPTOMS (fever, new cough illness, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, and new loss of taste or smell):
Following a Negative Test: someone may return to campus once fever-free for 24 hours AND other symptoms have been improving for 24 hours
Following a Positive Test or No Test with multiple active symptoms : someone may return to campus after the resolution of symptoms for at least 24 hours following the symptoms-based guidance listed above.
Primary & Non-primary Symptoms of COVID-19
Primary symptoms of COVID-19
Temperature of 100.4°F or higher or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
New loss of taste or smell
Non-primary symptoms – Fatigue, muscle or body aches, Headache, Sore throat, Nasal congestion or runny nose, Nausea or vomiting, Diarrhea
Designated Point of Contact: Designated staff will be responsible to responding to specific health concerns within each school building, as appropriate this will be the principal:
Applegate Elementary School – Heidi Brown
Crow Middle/High School – Kevin Rodemack
Vaccination Information and Clinics – As requested by Lane County Public Health, the Oregon Health Authority, FEMA, or other community health partners in the promotion of public health, the Siuslaw School District will continue to provide information regarding vaccine clinics to protect against COVID-19.
District Policies – Communicable Disease
JHCC Communicable Diseases – Students & JHCC-AR Communicable Diseases - Students
GBEB Communicable Diseases Staff & GBEB-AR Communicable Diseases – Staff
These policies list the ‘restrictable diseases’ for which a student or staff person may be excluded from school, as per OAR 333-019-0010
School administrators are required to exclude staff and students from school whom they have reason to suspect have been exposed to certain communicable diseases.
Lane County Public Health - Vaccine Clinic Information