Updated (9/8/20) Lane County School Reopening Metrics Tracker is available at https://5il.co/jtz2. The Lane County case rate of 23 per 100,000 is the highest level since early July (two months). Now, the earliest students in grades 4-12 could attend in-person is October 12.
over 4 years ago, Malcom McRae
CAL SD buildings will be closed tomorrow for hazardous air quality, and uncertain power (https://laneelectric.com/ will shut down substations tonight at 6:00pm). We will consider options for lost CMHS registration & preparation days for the Sept 14 start date. Take good care.
over 4 years ago, Malcom McRae
With power currently out at both schools we are rescheduling registration for CMHS appointments from today 9/8 to Friday 9/11. Those who had an appointment today should be recieving a call soon to reschedule. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Principal Rodemack
over 4 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
CAL SD is hiring. We are looking for 1) a skilled childcare/daycare specialist, 2) an aide with classroom instruction skills OR to experience with special education students, and 3) custodian pool applicants. https://www.cal.k12.or.us/o/cal/page/employment-opportunities--415
over 4 years ago, Malcom McRae
NOTICE - Applegate Elementary School is closed today as staff, including office personnel, are engaged in training (Thursday, Sept. 3). Messages may be left at 541-935-2100.
over 4 years ago, Malcom McRae
NEW - Updated Lane County Reopening Metrics Tracker. https://5il.co/jtz2. County case rate spoiled the week for 4-12 in-person learning (must meet all 3 metrics for 3 straight weeks). We're still on schedule for K-3 in-person classes starting Sept. 14.
over 4 years ago, Malcom McRae
UPDATED Lane County Metrics Tracker for the week ending 8/23/2020. https://5il.co/jtz2 In-Person attendance is good for K-3 students. Grades 4-12 missed the State Test Positivity metric by 0.1%. Must meet all 3 metrics for 3 straight weeks to open in-person.
over 4 years ago, Malcom McRae
Worried about school supplies? Applegate Elementary School has you covered! The Crow Booster Club has made sure that we have ample startup supplies for every K-3 student from paper and pencils to water bottles. We LOVE our boosters!!!
over 4 years ago, Malcom McRae
This graphic (https://5il.co/ju43), issued jointly by the Oregon Dept. of Education and the Oregon Health Authority illustrates the criteria that must be met in order for schools to open the doors to students in grades 4-12 for in-person classes (in stable cohorts, hybrid model).
over 4 years ago, Malcom McRae
New! School Reopening Metric Tracker. CAL SD 4th-12th graders can attend hybrid in-person classes in stable cohorts (groups) when all 3 conditions (metrics ) are met for 3 weeks straight. Nearly met all 3 marks for the first time last week. Wear Your Mask! https://5il.co/jtz2.
over 4 years ago, Malcom McRae
The Crow-Applegate-Lorane Board of Directors will meet this Thursday, August 20, in the Applegate Board Room at 7:00pm. Seating is extremely limited for this public meeting. Please see the agenda (https://5il.co/js83) for dial-in instructions to attend via phone link.
over 4 years ago, Malcom McRae
Follow the Facebook account listed below if you want to ask question, and connect over things that are specific to CMHS. Updates and news will still be posted to our website and CAL Facebook page, but this is to help parents connect directly to Principal Rodemack. Friend requests are welcome. Thanks! https://www.facebook.com/principal.rodemack.3
over 4 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
The Crow-Applegate-Lorane SD Board of Directors will meet on Thursday, August 6, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will focus on the 2020-21 school reopening Operational Blueprint. Seating is extremely limited. Agenda with phone-in audio link: https://5il.co/j3gi.
over 4 years ago, Malcom McRae
Nearly 60% of our anticipated fall enrollment have added input on our fall reopening planning, and we thank you. Family input is vital in our planning. If you haven't already done so, please add your voice. The survey closes August 5th. https://www.cal.k12.or.us/
over 4 years ago, Malcom McRae
Families - Please participate in this fall reopening survey. We may be a small district, but bells and whistles aside, we put your voice and health/safety first. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf4JIwpa7gS99lcEtGa53FYQej3Yhewqh2IdSYwNipMhF_dBA/viewform?usp=sf_link
over 4 years ago, Malcom McRae
Fall planning is ongoing for CAL SD Schools. Surveys of families and staff will begin soon. We appreciate your patience and understanding. https://mailchi.mp/oregon/news-releasegovernor-kate-brown-issues-statement-on-oregon-schools?e=6fe503625c
over 4 years ago, Malcom McRae
Miss our senior graduation this year? Follow the link to get a glimpse of our memorable ceremony! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DLFEIc-3v0&feature=youtu.be
over 4 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
Sweet Briar Farms is looking for a part time middle or high school student to work, minimum wage. For info, call 541-915-7447
over 4 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
Chromebooks, musical instruments, and other school returns can be brought to the high school this week from 9-3, including Friday. In addition, we will have returns accepted till 7 pm on Thursday 6/25. Thanks, Principal Rodemack
over 4 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
CAL SD Board of Directors will meet at 7:00pm on June 18, 2020 at the Lorane Grange. Agenda - https://5il.co/h8y5; Budget Hearing Notice - https://5il.co/h3d7; 2020-21 Budget Resolution - https://5il.co/h8y7. Open to the public. Executive Session at 6:00p (closed to the public ).
over 4 years ago, Malcom McRae